
Okay here we go, 2nd post. This just WONT get old now will it!?

Today's topic: CRACK! Yes you guessed it, like the drug people, LOOK IT UP. Living in LA leads to seeing some pretty real stuff. Like seeing someone smoke crack from a tinfoil straight up on the side walk. Or a homeless man running up to a car waiting at a traffic light to sCrEaM, " TURN YOUR F***IN LIGHTS ON YOU IGNORANT PIG." A small but delicious taste into the world of LA.

I see this man enjoying his crack (slight but definite chance that it was Heroin as well but what's the difference, HA HA...) so being the sometimes confrontational being that I am, I ask, "Hey are you smoking crack?" His response will SHOCK you!!!!!!!:

... He got up, said no, and left. Yeah big shocker. It was fun though to catch someone in the act, OH MAN! The question is though: did I do the right thing? I personally feel that I did, my stance on drugs is pretty blunt, I don't agree with them. Anyway, that's the whole story.

But on another note, that's kind of an indicator to how far our society (at least here in LA since I don't really have tabs on the rest of the US) has gone, isn't it? If you look up and do a little bit of that good old HW on the effects of crack cocaine and heroin, you'd find out there are actually 0 good things about it! Yeah, Z E R O. And yet we still have so many people out here not aware of the facts and so they go on to take these drugs and essentially ruin their lives. This is not a good thing, in my most humble opinion. Not to mention it's against the law so that adds to list of many cons. Just something to chew on for you!

I also wanted to mention that there are definite solutions too to this, that's for sure. I didn't want to paint the picture of pure impending doom and gloom because that's not exactly the case, thankfully. I'm glad I could end this short post on a positive note. Let me know what your thoughts are to the non-existent people reading this! UNLESS YOU ARE READING THIS!

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