Meeting/Making New Friends

Coming at you with a third post, HERE WE GO!

So here's a fun thing to try sometime: smile at everyone you pass by no matter who it is. I'd give this exercise a 10/10 for how it can change your view of the world and impact others. GREAT STUFF there guys. I've picked that up as a general habit for the past 2 years now. Maybe you read about this on every "self-care" thread in the universe or what have you, I'm just coming at this subject from my own experience with it. The result: More confidence and more strangers/people in general thinking I'm nice. Nice. At least I can keep the mind set that I am a real mean and cold cut woman. (I'm really not, not at all, but I really like to mock it up that I am sometimes).

I wouldn't really call all these people I walk by and randomly smile at my friends but what I would consider it is making the space I'm in more friendly, you follow? I've found it to be a truth of sorts that if I genuinely feel friendly as I'm walking around and that I stay genuinely friendly in my daily interactions then I get that back! Good stuff, real yum. I think this place could use a little more kindness, in fact I think anyone who would disagree with that could be considered a sociopath, come at me if you're not about NOT being an asshole.

Pro tip, baby: more good stuff comes your way the kinder you are to those around you. Call it karma, whatever, but give a whirl and find out what I mean. Now that'll be $89.99 which you can conveniently pay off in 4 easy payments! Nah kidding but I wish. Ok that's all I've got for this post, let me know if this is even interesting, definitely would like to know because feedback and criticism is the backbone of growth... Yup... That's what I always say.

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