First Blog Post, WOW

So this will be the first post ever on this Blog... Wow what do I even write here? Let's start off with some basics then,

"Hi my name is Alex Chiappe, just call me Chappy, I love drawing and breathing and taking nice walks along the anywhere". Pretty original, I know. Anyway let's veer off from that, I hate formalities.

I honestly did want to start off by saying that I want this Blog to basically be a journal I keep but with lots of humorous and random day to day observations and stories and thought provoking... Stuff, that I go through. Does that make sense? My humor is definitely borderline sarcasm-overload and hopefully whoever reads this can hang. I really enjoy people like GameGrumps, Markplier, Cody Ko (P O W E R T H O U G H T S), and SweetTabasco, and Luis CK, just not AS vulgar (to name a few) and I try to emulate them into my own original SWEET humor. I like to think we all have profound thoughts here and there but we never really share them. THAT'S my goal: to share those thoughts that I have like everyone else, just from my point of view. Other than that, I'm not sure what else there is to say without sounding like a bag. I have big plans for making YouTube videos dealing with art, potentially skits/adventures, being more active across social media to get my passion out there (which is ART and the occasional mmmm-yummy FART). Make sense? I hope so, I've said the phrase twice now, dammit!

I'm not looking at keeping any sort of consistent schedule as of yet and I only have a very general, very broad idea for what I want to do with this but bear that in mind as we go on because that's DEFINITELY going to change, dead ass. Here's to a start to something new, amIright or WHAT.

P.S. Is it weird that I actually feel a bit nervous about posting this? I had to read through this thing 4 times and now a 5th to make sure it's "ok".


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