Text-Based RPGs
Back at it again with the 6th post. It's been a bit. didn't have much to write about I guess but I'm just suffering from Making-A-Commitment-And-Sticking-To-It syndrome. I'm sure this is #Relateable. This post is going to be all about Text-Based RPGs if anyone is interested to sit in and learn about it. Recently I rediscovered a game called Zork. Click http://iplayif.com/?story=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ifarchive.org%2Fif-archive%2Fgames%2Fzcode%2Fzdungeon.z5 to get to it and you can start playing; It's rather self explanatory really. You're prompted to move through the game without ever seeing anything, only through text can you progress and play. For some reason, I can play this all day any day. It makes you think and FORCES YOU TO REMEMBER HOW TO USE A COMPASS WITHOUT ONE PRESENT hahaha! Can you even do that!? Well I can but definitely don't mean to brag. Wow. So anyway my suggestion is you head to that link and just get to it. Sharing this app probably say...